Friday, June 17, 2011


I have felt like whining this week. Summer [i.e. having two babies to manage 24/7] has already blown my mind.
But I don't blog to whine. Whining is boring to read about, I think.
So I'm coping by taking pictures of MB and turning them into collages with commentary.

This makes me laugh [after the fact, of course] at a situation that was not so laughable at the time. Does your baby have a face he/she makes right before the playing ratchets up a notch into violence? This is MB's look. The one that says I might need to go to my room for a few minutes.

I have to remind myself daily that even the best two-year-olds are still only two years old. And one day, I'm going to really really miss my two year old. The one who gives more night-night kisses than she gets, the one who, after peeing the floor right in front of the toilet, hugs my leg and says, I love you in the WHOLE WORLD, MAMA. The one who, first thing upon leaving her room in the morning says, I COMING RIGHT NOW, BABY BROWA! Yes, even the one who cut her own hair this week.

Luckily, I'll have another two year old in about...18 months. Maybe he'll give his mama a pass on the hair cutting, though.

1 comment:

  1. Suz, I just checked my "stats" on blogger and this week, without posting anthing new until today, I have had 103 hits via your blog. I <3 you. Just sayin'
