Like-- a lot. Based on phone calls alone, she rates as my best girlfriend. Sometimes, in desperate potty bribery situations, she can mysteriously be reached on my sister's cell phone.
But most of the time I call her on a toothpaste tube.
I can't even remember how this started, or why in the world Mary Bullock actually believes I am communicating with a princess in this manner, but she does not question this.
We go into the bathroom to brush teeth, and MB says Mommy, can you call Cinderella?
Then the [one-sided] convo goes thusly:
Hi? Cinderella?
Yes, this is Mary Bullock's mommy.
I know, I told her!!
The back teeth?
Oh, okay.
I see.
Well you have a good night, Cinderella! See you soon.
And then I hang up the
Listen, Cinderella and I? We have our differences. Like, that choker necklace that she wears? Is not doing her any favors. However, since her power over my child's hygiene habits is getting harder to withstand by the week, I now consider us at a truce.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my toothpaste is ringing.
Love the toothpaste phone. haha. Also, I'm loving the new details you've changed around the blog! It looks great.