Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why I Will Not Be Riding the Teacups

Also entitled: Why Keeping MB Home From School When She's Sick is Dangerous Business
[edit: Also entitled: The Vom Collage]

Lee and I have recently started discussing the possibility of taking MB to Disney for her third birthday instead of having a party. In our discussions of what attractions might be appropriate for a three year old, Lee has discovered that it's fun to torture me by mentioning the teacups.

The very name makes me mildly nauseated, but I guess in the back of my mind, I was sort of thinking that maybe I was remembering it to be way worse than it actually is.

But this morning, MB took me on a little teacup-like ride in the desk chair and reminded me that I HAVE NO BUSINESS ON THIS RIDE.

But she was super thrilled, so ATTENTION DADDY: You're it. Have fun! And don't whine to me when you toss your cookies.


  1. Wow, I get dizzy just looking a the photo montage. Good luck with that! Disney sounds fun. I was thinking maybe when Ben is 4, so hopefully you guys will be ready to go again then!

  2. I'll ride the teacups! I'll ride the teacups! I'm it!

  3. Sweet!! Maybe we can plan it for your Fall Break?
