Monday, September 6, 2010

In Sickness and in Health

Alternately titled: Worst Labor Day Weekend Ever
or: How to Keep Pregnancy Weight Down
or: Playschool Teaches Your Child to Share [Germs]

Really, take your pick.

The point is, we have been sicky-sick sick in the Wedekind household, starting with Mary Bullock on Friday [she got the easy version] and me on Saturday [I got the I'd rather die version].  Lee has somehow avoided the stomach bug so far, but I'm not sure he'd say taking care of us was any more delightful. Mostly me. MB doesn't have nearly the language skills required for full-on complaints and drama.

But really, I wanted to die.

But we're recovering, if there's a bright side. And we still have half a day of vacation! Woot. Woot.


  1. boo hiss at labor day weekend colds! booooo hissss!

  2. Oh, I hope y'all feel better really soon! I worked until Claire was 10 months old and during that time someone in my house was always sick thanks to daycare germs. It was miserable. I do not look forward to future school germs. I might homeschool just for that reason or put my kids in a bubble before sending them to school! LOL

  3. Lysol, lots and lots of lysol. Hope you are feeling better!
