Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcome to the world

Baby Lee
6lbs, 4oz. 20.5in.

Well, we didn't make it to December 10th, but God has perfect plans even when I don't always agree with them in advance.

Baby Lee made his entrance yesterday at 3:18pm after a labor that I've been warned not to tell about lest harder laboring mothers poke my eyes out.

He is beautiful and sleepy [don't you just love them that way?] and easy as pie. I'm not holding my breath that he'll stay that way-- after all, he is related to Hurricane Mary Bullock, but I'll take these precious quiet days and remember them for a few months from now when I haven't showered in several days and there's nothing in the fridge for dinner.

Love to you all.
Suz & Lee


  1. Suz- Congratulations to you and Lee:) Baby Lee is wonderfully beautiful and he does look so sweet and sleepy. I will pray that your IV is as easy as my VII (despite having Hurricane Buck Buck and Hurricane Lillith as sisters). Many many hugs your way and love to you and your family. Tell MB that being a big sister rocks and to go easy on him:) Let the roller coaster ride begin.....

  2. Can't wait to cover him with kisses!!!
