Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Is it ever too early for vampires?

I know there is probably some connection to be made about my being up at this ungodly hour and the subject of this post [VAMPIRES!], but I'm too tired to make it. What is it? Vampires don't sleep either? Is that it?


I saw NEW MOON last Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I was very Thankful. It was SO much better than Twilight. Or perhaps my expectations were lowered significantly--they're not going to win Oscars for this, I'm sure. But either way, TWO THUMBS UP!

I was glad to find a picture where Jacob has his mouth closed, though. His teeth are freakishly white.  But at least he doesn't wear lipstick, you know? I think that's what pushed me over to his side. That, and the jorts.

But just to be fair, Edward wasn't at ALL as ridiculous looking this time, and that made me happy, too. It's hard to take a vampire in lipstick seriously. Especially when he's already got the glitter thing working against him.

I'm definitely up for seeing it again if anyone wants to. I just have to line up some more mommy points to cash in. Totally worth it though. I mean, did you see those jorts?


  1. I will TOTALLY go see that with you. I haven't seen it and Jon is less than thrilled at the prospect. Maybe next weekend, an early show?

  2. Jorts are a no-go for me. Although he is a cutie otherwise. I can't wait to see this movie.

  3. It was so good! While I'm still not team Jacob, the wet jorts did sway me briefly.

  4. those jorts really aren't all bad, as jorts go.

  5. Seriously, I would see it again too. I agree with everything in this post. I ♥ Jacob, and I don't mind that he's 17. I too think his teeth are too white. But, he is still 100X better than Edward. I'm literally gushing. He's hosting SNL next weekend!
