Monday, December 21, 2009

Making Progress

This year, instead of exchanging gifts with our dear friends, we all gifted each other with food, drink, laughter, and the usual totally inappropriate conversation in the form of a progressive dinner. It was a lot of work and logistical maneuvering since most of us have young children, but it was a great time! [I suggested skipping it all and going to the spa next Christmas, but I was voted down. So it must have been OUTSTANDING actually. Because the spa is nice.]

Round 1: Cocktails and Hors d'Oeuvres
The signature cocktail: Limoncello, Prosecco & Raspberries. Yum!  And also possibly the cause of my pounding head this morning.

Round 2: Dinner
[Dinner was at our house, which is why there were no posts from me from Friday till now.]

No pictures of the wasn't that pretty anyway. It's hard to make a complicated dish when you're going to be at someone else's house for two hours before dinner. But it was yum, which is good, since we have enough leftovers to feed the neighborhood [come on over!].

Round 3: Dessert

Meg's Rum Roll was delicious. I'll have to coax the recipe out of her if I ever get up the nerve to try it. 

Even when the wine wore off, we had to agree that it was one of the best Christmas parties ever. If you were there, please excuse the fat sloppy kiss I probably planted on your face.

It was only because I love you.


  1. Such good times! Now that I feel human again today, I can finally enjoy what fun we had! Merry Christmas!!

  2. lol Leigh! it was good times. love you too Suz!

  3. p.s. rum roll is surprisingly very easy. the best part - it bakes in eight minutes. perfect for big dinners! will send to you.

  4. Did ya'll wear silly sweaters? Please tell me you did-- where are the pictures of the actual revelers?! I want to live vicariously!!!!!

    PS- What mantle/fireplace is that first one? Or should I say whose? Have been so unobservant that I missed such a fantastic display in your house?

  5. That was Leigh's house. Are you kidding? You leave for a year and forget how limited is my skill set? You need to come home soon so I can remind you. :)

    We did not wear silly sweaters. I was fully expecting to be the only one in regular clothes, but then everyone showed up wearing regular clothes and I thought: well I'm glad I didn't wear a silly sweater NOW because I would be super mad at Laura.

    I think Meg has some pics of revelers...she was my photographer. I was running around too much to take pictures.
