Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Christmas Time in Hollis Queens!

So, it's not quite Christmas anymore. And, we're not in Queens. And--sadly-- no one is cooking chicken and collard greens.

Well, I am cooking chicken. But it's with mushrooms. I just missed the opportunity to quote one of my favorite Christmas tunes of all time in my posts last week, so here it is. Bonus points if you actually sang it like Run DMC.


Christmas was a blur for us, as I'm sure it was for many of you. There were joyous moments, like watching Mary Bullock's face as she spied the slide that Santa left her.

There were frustrating moments, like changing a poopy diaper on the one tiny patch of car that was not piled high with stuff, and realizing I was out of wipes. [For that one, I do not have a picture.]

There were moments of sheer laughter.

Moments of tenderness.


Moments of peace even in chaos [ever try to get 14 adults and 11 small children to look at a camera at the same time? Chaos.]

And now it's over and a new year fast approaches. A new decade, even.

I wonder what will happen next?

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