Monday, January 4, 2010

Thinking Warm

Is it too late to take back all of the complaining I did about it being 70 degrees here the week of Christmas? Because it's really stinking cold. SO cold that I can hardly force myself out of the house to do my 10,000 errands. So cold that I'd rather stay IN the house and let Mary Bullock throw every toy she owns on the floor rather than venture out for a walk.

I'm trying to think warm thoughts, though.




When did I get to be such a Florida girl?


  1. The only thing that makes me think "warm" right now is a tropical island. I swear my feet haven't thawed since I woke up. A walk is out of the question today.

  2. hmmm....i'd do anything to be in florida "winter" right was 15 degrees here yesterday and there's snow in our forecast for the next 7 days....feel free to mail all your warm thoughts this way.

