Monday, January 18, 2010

Where we were when we weren't here

Well, hello.

Sorry for the absence if you noticed that there was one. Mary Bullock and I accompanied Lee on a trip to Tampa Friday and Saturday. It probably would have been more fun had our sniffles not turned into full on yuckiness on the way down there. But we did get to see the Florida Aquarium before we headed back, which was pretty cool.


Since then, I have to say that I've spent most of my time dwelling in my own snotty, coughy misery. And also, reading this book

which is one of the best I've read in a long time. I have about 30 pages left and had to put it down last night before I really wanted to. Then I dreamed about it all night. Have you ever read a book that made its way into your dreams?

I have one other piece of awesomeness today, too! Remember this?

I finished my last bottle last week and was sad to begin what I thought would be a long, mocha-less wait till next holiday season. And then I saw this on the shelf at Publix on Sunday!

 God bless you, Nestle. I will enjoy this all year, thank you very much.


  1. I just got the Help! Can't wait to start it! Love the picture of MB looking at the aquarium!

  2. I haven't heard of that book, but I've been looking for something good to read. Maybe I'll pick it up!!

    Glad you got the pepp mint mocha!

  3. So glad you went to the aquarium!!! did you see the seahorses??? we love it there. lots of exclamation points!!!!

  4. EVERYONE I have seen has been reading that book! I was thinking about buying it so I'm guessing you really recommend it?? haha

  5. Just enjoyed my 2 cups of peppermint mocha this morning!

  6. Now you don't have to put coffee in your creamer to conserve your rations Suz!! Squeeeee!

  7. LOL about the creamer, that is hilarious. I never have time to sit and read much but I think I will reserve The Help on audio to listen to in the car (much better than the radio!)
