Thursday, January 21, 2010


I knew yesterday would be a good day, and see? I was right.

1. I found out my Moop has shipped and will be here soon!!  This was a Christmas present that didn't get here quite in time for Christmas. I have asked Lee no less than 14,000 times since then when my Moop will be here. I think the fact that it's coming soon is as much a relief to him as it is a joy to me.

I cannot, cannot, cannot wait. I have been mentally organizing all of my items inside this bag for 4 weeks now.

2. My mother-in-law gave us a box of tissues to spare our little red noses from any more toilet tissue (and to save us a trip to Publix).

3. We got good news on something we had been worried about.

4. Mary Bullock and I finally got out for a walk!

5. My lifetime record of zero cavities remains perfectly in tact, in case you were worried.

6. Lee and I spent a lovely night at The Marriage Course. Ate a lovely meal that I didn't have to cook, worked on our communication skills, and amazingly--did not fight over whether or not we were good communicators. Already an improvement over last week's fiasco.

Was yesterday a great day for you, too?


  1. I really like the messenger moop. Wonder what Jake will say when I tell him I'm going to buy ANOTHER diaper bag...

  2. I'm with you on #5 as well:) I think my luck is bound to run out, but here's to hoping it doesn't. I hate dentists...not personally, of course.
