Friday, August 6, 2010

I learn something new every day

So, I started out my thirty-second year on Earth by learning a very important lesson, which was: Toddlers don't give two poops that it's your birthday.

I love MB to pieces, of course, but yesterday she made me feel every minute as old as I am. I probably sprouted a few gray hairs, too. Not that you'll ever see them.

On days like yesterday, every kick from Baby B compounds the fear of having two Wedekind babies to manage.  [And it must come from Lee's side, because I have it on good authority that I was a perfect. angel.]

But as you can see, it's way--WAY--too late for second thoughts, which I think is the way God intended it to be.

Then I woke up this morning to Little Miss Sunshine.

And I remembered why I breathe deeply and get through the rough days, even when the rough day is my birthday: because one kiss from this little smacker makes my insides melt.

And speaking of melting [butter, that is], my precious husband made the most amazing Bearnaise sauce last night to go with our steaks, and the photos have somehow been deleted. [I'm still learning the camera!] That went a long way toward easing my soul at the end of a hard day, too. If you love someone as much as Lee must love me [and God only knows why he does], you might want to give it a whirl.

Happy Weekend! MB and I will be checking in remotely from our [perhaps insane] roadtrip to North Carolina and Virginia next week, but if posts are rare, forgive us. We will be back eventually. [If I don't decide to start squatting in Rachel's house, never to return. Strong possibility. Lee would visit us, right?]


  1. Good times today! I hope MB's taking a good nap for you.

  2. Yes! I wish all mornings were so great. :) And she is snoozing hard. YAY!

  3. Your belly is SO cute. Seriously!!! And so fun that you are going to see Rach!!

  4. You look amazing! So cutely pregnant : ). Have a fun and safe trip!! Love!

    That picture of MB is priceless. I want to see her soon!!
