Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not a Birthday Thing

So, all pregnant women gain weight differently, as I'm sure you know. I'll go ahead and admit that I gained 42 pounds with Mary Bullock, 8 pounds of which never went back from whence they came.

But the strange part about my weight gain during that pregnancy was that I gained a good 30 of those 42 pounds in my last trimester alone.

I think that what happens is that I throw up for the first trimester, cruise through the second trimester thinking I'm golden, and then WHAM! One day my thighs decide to get in a fist fight.

Now, I'm only half way through my second trimester, and I'm really only up a handful of pounds so far, but my thighs could take it no longer. As they let me know quite rudely yesterday.

Ya'll, it hurts.

I'm putting myself on thigh rest. They're certainly not going to get any farther apart in the next 18 weeks, so I'm imposing a mandatory restraining order for the both of them for the next two hours.

Meanwhile, I will be watching A Baby Story. Lee calls Law & Order his research, this is mine.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you! I am *sure* that you look positively radiant, despite thighs having fist fights:) You are hilarious.
    Here's to hoping that your "research" got you some rest.
