Friday, April 23, 2010

The Cat's Out of the Bag

I've always known that I married an amazing man, but I try not to talk about it a lot. I figure: why brag?

But then the Jacksonville Business Journal had to go and name Lee one of Jacksonville's most influential 40 under 40, and now the secret's out.

So now you know, if you weren't already suspicious: my husband is awesome. I'm so proud of him! Kind of makes all the cancelled vacations worth it. We can always take our honeymoon on our 10th anniversary, right?

I love you, sweetH. 


  1. WOO to the HOO! Lee's a star! Seriously, though, that's really, REALLY neat! Congratulations!


    p.s. I totally hear you about the vacay's. Our honeymoon has been rescheduled twice. So far.

  2. Wow! that is AWESOME!!! Congrats to Lee.

  3. Wow! Congrats, Lee! Are they putting his picture in the paper?

  4. congrats to Dilly:) is his head a little bit larger? lol. kidding. *so* proud of him. we always knew he was speshal.

  5. That's great! Congrats to him!

  6. Congratulations to Lee. I hope he uses his powers of influence for good and not for evil ;)

  7. BK subscribes to said Journal and the Media Specialist came across this positive and proud tidbit! Congrats all around!
