Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back on track

I'm not going to sugar coat this: our weekend started out very, very badly. Somewhere between months of exhaustion and morning sickness, a stressful "vacation," and a week of house guests, Lee and I found our relationship a little off the rails.  Or completely derailed, depending on how you view my sobbing around the block pulling a very confused Mary Bullock behind me in the wagon. We found out the hard way that that's what happens when you put each other last on a long list of priorities.

I love Mary Bullock like there is no tomorrow, I'm sure you know. But everyone needs a break now and then, and we have been bad about not scheduling breaks for ourselves. Until, you know, anyone in the neighborhood who happens to be looking out his window at 8am can see very clearly that I need to take a chill pill.

Enter Gritsy, [Lee's mom] who volunteered to keep Mary Bullock for the night. God bless her.

And also*

and also

and voila.
Problem solved.

Now if I could just get someone in here to take care of this laundry situation.


*Not necessarily recommending this movie unless you really like crude jokes, but it wasn't the worst movie ever, and it was pretty funny. Mostly it was just nice to hold hands in the theatre and shove my face full of buttered popcorn.


  1. Aw. Awww. AWWWW.

    Good for you two. Seriously. I don't have an MB, but we all still need time like that, I think.


  2. aaawww. ALWAYS important! if you need us to watch MB for a night so you can get out, we are here for you!
