Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who needs diamonds anyway?

So, pretty much since our wedding, I've had Lee on notice about my next diamond ring. I knew I'd eventually earn it (I mean, I married him. I fold his underwear), so I figured why not give him a few years' head start on finding, saving for, and buying it? I thought that was pretty considerate of me. Don't you?

According to him, I've still got a few more years of hard labor (and I do mean that literally, in one sense) before the ring is mine, but last night he gave me something almost as good.

There we were, lying in bed, thumbing through magazines, blah-de-blah, and he says: [Are you ready for this?]

How about you let me take care of dinner tomorrow night?

Is this a trick question?
If I jump for joy will you realize that this is TOO AWESOME and then try to rescind your offer because surely I don't deserve such awesomeness?
Would you like me to go to the grocery store for you?


Now if I can just get him to wear his cute little half-apron while he does it, all I'll need is to pull up a chair and watch my dinner appear.

Ring, schming.


  1. Wow! What a lucky lady! Hmmmm...if my Husband said that I might have fallen out of the bed from shock.

  2. It's the little things, you know? Jake used to make dinner all the time but I think I've spoiled him lately. ALTHOUGH I have noticed if I give him specific instructions he will follow. Ex. Instead of, can you make dinner? I say, Can you please boil the pasta and put the sauce in a pan with the meatballs? It sounds so much more achieveable that way. And then dinner just appears. :-)
