Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Farewell, Dennis Hopper

I was sad to see that Dennis Hopper passed away over the weekend.  I always associate him with Hoosiers, which was one of my favorite movies growing up.

Can you tell I had older brothers? Two of my all-time favorite movies from childhood are Hoosiers and The Natural. None of that Barbie crap for me.

I will still stop and watch if I happen to catch Hoosiers (or The Natural, but that comes on less often) on TV.  I can never force myself to turn away, even though I know they most certainly will make it to the state championship.

I might just have to add those two to the Blockbuster queue for the weekend!


  1. Of course those are two of my favorites too. I haven't seen either one of them in a while though. Sad about Dennis Hopper.

  2. Yeah, I was sad to hear about Dennis Hopper, too.

    But I've never seen either of those movies?

