Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Favorite

Every night when Lee and I finally sit down on the couch to unwind, one or both of us will be laughing and shaking our heads, remembering. 

What did she do now? one or the other of us will say.

And then we'll relate whatever hilarious or ridiculous thing MB has done that day. There's always something. Always.

Today I'm going to beat him to the couch with my story.

We get home from a sweaty playdate at the park and have a little playtime before nap. I sit on the couch while MB flits around me, putting chalk and her toy keys in and out of her tiny purse. My eyelids are heavy, and soon my head is heavy, so I lean over onto a pillow.

MB pops up from the floor. Night Night! she says. And disappears into the den.

Half a minute later she comes back with a blanket and heaves it on top of my legs. Night Night! she says again.

Oh, Mary Bullock! You are so sweet. That was so nice of you to get Mommy a blanket! I say.
Can I have a kiss?

She thinks for a second.

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