Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm feeling guilty for having whined earlier today, so I thought I would end the day with some happier words.

My Mommy did not show up to take care of us, but we did Skype her this afternoon. Almost as nice.

And I didn't send See You Later, Alligator to the Land of Lost Books [which really exists, by the way, and shhhh-- is under her crib], but I did switch it out for a book from the super special non-board book section in the tippy top of her closet.

I could never read this without crying when she was a baby-baby, and I still can't. But I'm sort of hoarse and raspy from the sore throat, so I don't think she noticed. [At least, she didn't point out the "rain" on my face like she normally does when Mommy weeps over children's books. But maybe she was just being nice.]

Even on days when the only thing she does more than whine is cry, my baby is making me into a better person. More patient, less yell-y. Less bored, more creative. More appreciative of small things, like holding her hand, and less in a hurry to complete petty tasks.

It's a big job for a small baby.  But I'm pretty sure she can tackle it.

She just needs another snack first.


  1. reading your post made me think that maybe, just maybe, you and i are on the same wavelength this week...i *just* put Lillith to bed an hour ago and it's been a trying i lay with her in bed, looked into her beautiful 5 year old eyes, i just *had* to explain to her that i love her *just* the way she is, that God sent her to us specifically b/c we needed HER, because we needed her to teach us how to be good parents, how to be more patient and kind, how to laugh often, even when it's not very funny, how i loved holding her hand and squeezing her we needed her to remind us every day how very very good God is....
    chin up kiddo, we can get through the hard days....

  2. Thanks, Leslie. I agree that God sends us JUST the right babies for us. :) AND he made them extra cute so it would be harder to get mad. Hope you guys have a great weekend. Wish we could make it to WVa this summer.
