Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Jury's Still Out

Mary Bullock is getting a cold, so there was a lot of crying in our house last night and this morning. I can say for certain that having her nose suctioned is not one of MB's Birthday Things.

Anyway: I really can't decide if I love this or hate this. Actually, that's not too unusual for Lilly and me. I love some of her stuff, but when I put it on I want to puke. Other people can totally pull it off, but I'm still not sure I'm one of them.

ADPis, you're so cool, you get a polo. Be sure to pop the collar.

[I'd like to clarify that I would not be caught dead in a Lilly KKG shirt at this point in my life. I was more wondering if this would be something I would have worn had it existed in 1996. And had I gone to a school were sorority girls walked around with their letters blazing.]


  1. Those damn ADPis- always getting the coolest stuff.

  2. OK--what I wanted to say:
    1. Lilly would look really cute on MB.
    2. I feel the same way about Lilly (except a few of her plainer designs) but I think you could totally pull it off. Haven't I seen you wear Lilly before?
    3. We wouldn't be caught dead in and Kappa "letter" shirts in college. And I still think that was a good idea. But the girls at Vandy would totally love those shirts.

  3. You're right, there are some really cute LP things for baby girls! MB has some cute LP pants, but they've always been a little bit too long, so she doesn't wear them often.

  4. Hey! Don't knock the ADPi's!!! :) Sadly in 1996 I would have TOTALLY worn this.

    That's sad.

  5. I am not knocking the ADPi's. Deep down, I'm super jealous that you guys even got a collar to pop.
