Saturday, September 5, 2009

We're Back!

Both exhausted, but a great trip. The girl only took one nap on our 5 hour drive home, so she was pooped this afternoon when we got home. But you know how sometimes when babies are really REALLY tired, they don't sleep as well?

Anyway, MB woke up crying about an hour after I put her down. In general we employ a very humane version of cry-it-out in our household, but tonight I could not help myself. So I went in, picked her up, and rocked her. I wish that there was language to explain how much I love this: little red cheeks, wet eyelashes, tiny nostrils breathing rhythmically on my cheek. I don't really wish that she woke up crying like that every night, but sort of.

1 comment:

  1. That's sweet. Poor MB. Bennie woke up at 4:30am too so I went in. It's easier to justify when it's not happening every single night. Then it would get old.
